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Two movies. 24 Hours. 1 new RPG. Think you can do that?
The 2011 24 Hour RPG Movie Mashup Competition, hosted by 1KM1KT, is challenging anyone to pick 2 movies from their list of 40 movies of multiple genres, and write a new RPG based on them within 24 hours. Oh, it also must have an NPC named Keeton in it too.
The RPG that is judged with the best proximity to the material, most complete rules, most attractive and most professional layout, added with a little something extra, will stand to win a £30 Amazon voucher.
Participants who wish to take part in the competition should post at the 24 Hour RPG Forum, naming their two movies. After that, they are free to work on the RPG within any 24 hour slot that is convenient to them and have their game uploaded to the forum by 00:00 (GMT) on June 1 2011.
For more details of the competition and rules, visit the competition page at The Free RPG Blog and the 24 hour RPG rules.
The 2011 24 Hour RPG Movie Mashup Competition is sponsored by The Free RPG Blog.
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