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09 Feb
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Modern Board Games
Feast & Famine, designed by Jason Conforto of Good Knight Games, published by Shadow Mountain Publishing (a book publisher, I believe), and sold by Deseret Book, is a game about Joseph in Egypt.
In the first part of the game, you prepare for famine by buying up food products for your stores. In the second part, you try to attract the sons of Jacob to eat your food.
The game play looks a little like Ra and a lot like For Sale, which makes it quick, with a mixture of drawing luck and auction skill. With nifty components and a fantastic theme.
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After looking at their website, I find it quite odd that the goal of the game is to “save the House of Israel,” but “players can choose to be one of four figurines based on Ancient Egyptian Deities,” and all the depictions of the members of the house of Israel either look like Egyptians or Egyptian deities.