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The first week of Read an RPG Book in Public Week for 2011 begins on February 27 to March 5. So go out there with your favorite RPG book or the latest RPG supplement and read it in front of everyone, whether during the commute, at the cafe or the public park for maximum exposure.
For the uninformed, Read an RPG Book in Public Week is an annual movement started by The Escapist, which marks three weeks of the year for roleplayers to create an awareness on RPGs by simply doing what it says to draw attention. By doing so, it may help to shed the ‘closet’ image of RPGs and even help to get more people interested to try their hand at roleplaying.
No registration is required to be involved and participants are encouraged to take a picture of them reading. If you have a story to tell about your experience while reading in public, both good or bad, feel free to e-mail it to here. You can also post your photos at the Read an RPG Book in Public Week’s Facebook page.
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Reading the DeathWatch rulebook on the train into work got a few straneg looks. Title alone probably had a few folks going, but then the guy a few seats down from me looked like he was all but insane, so perhaps folks might not have noticed. Left the book on my desk all day too.