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The Temple of Eloi is a board game from sggc Living for ELOI, an organization whose mission is “to fulfill the voice’s request in building HIS board games for denominational and non-denominational organizations to utilize as a tool for acquiring and/or maintaining their members Faith.” The board game was built as a direct result of a heavenly voice instructing Rozell Adams to build a board game.
I’ve watched the promotional video and read the rules and I still can’t figure out how to play the game. Something about prayer halos, scrolls, and H.G. Wells apparently. As to how the design came about:
I did not have any talent in art or developing a complete board game…I started on the request but had difficulties in the concept of how it was to be played and for months came up with no ideas at all. I began to get physically and spiritually frustrated and was ready to give up…God sent His Holy Spirit to assist me and in time and through all the trials and tribulations, the board game TEMPLE OF ELOI was created.
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