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24 Jun
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Card Games, Modern Board Games
Fair Trade, designed by Anthony Goodwin, published by his sggc I-55 Games, and available for pre-order at Sun Ministries, is (going to be) a light economic game about coffee production and distribution. I-55 is a not-for-profit incubated project of Sun Ministries. Both I-55 and Sun Ministries aim to provide job retraining for St Louis, MO residents.
Another new game, Coffee from Nestor Games, is an abstract “in a row” game that has nothing to do with coffee, but uses brown and orange colors, supposedly reminiscent of a coffee seed.
In the past decade, we’ve seen other games that deal with coffee production or service, such as Coffee by Kheper Games, Mt Kilajava by Monsoon Games, CoffeeSmarts by SmartsCo, Barista by Discovery Bay Games, and Guatemala Cafe by Eggertspiele and Rio Grande Games. Other games have used coffee as a resource (Puerto Rico, Bohnanza), a theme (Bean-Opoly), or simply in reference to a term such as “coffee break”.
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I watched an interesting coffee-related prototype yesterday at Origins. Chris at dicehateme was playing it with the designer:
It involved constantly shifting teams of expert coffee blenders.