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27 Jun
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Card Games, Modern Board Games
Qwirkle, designed by Susan McKinley Ross and published in Germany by Schmidt Spiele, has won board gaming’s most prestigious prize, Speiele des Jahres (German game of the year). Qwirkle was published in the US a few years back, already, but in Germany only last year. Qwirkle is an abstract game that has been described as Scrabble with colors.
7 Wonders, designed by Antoine Bauza and published in Germany by Repos Production, has won top place in a new category, Kennerspiele des Jahres or “gamer’s game of the year”. 7 Wonders is a drafting set-collection card game.
The final category, Kinderspiele des Jahres (kid’s game of the year), will be announced on July 25.
A win can often translate into hundreds of thousands of additional units sold.
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