Israel’s Coca-Cola division has released a new “shabbat” (Sabbath) version of their product. A shabbat table is supposed to be decorated nicely, with fancy dishes and flowers, so why should you have to settle for plain old ordinary weekday bottles of Coke?

All well and good, but what does this have to do with games? The box apparently contains a board game to play on shabbat. The eight bottle caps are used as the pieces. The object of the game is to visit the various locations on the shabbat table to ensure that they are set correctly.

I might assume that the board comes complete and separate (does not have to be torn from the box, which is forbidden on shabbat) and provides some means of piece movement other than dice (which is frowned upon by certain sects who would be the natural target audience for the product). However, no further information is available on their site.
