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12 Sep
Posted by Yehuda Berlinger as Electronic Games, Modern Board Games, War Games
Dr. Scott Nicholson, board game champion, videocaster, and library studies expert, gave a keynote speech at the MIT Comparative Media Studies. You can listen here.
Gifts and Decorative Accessories promotes Furt. (source)
Planetizen promotes Ticket To Ride, Carcassonne, and Puerto Rico. (source)
The Chicago Tribune, talking about how board games do well in tough times, gives examples of Monopoly and The Settlers of Catan. The article pits Scott Alden of BGG, defending Settlers of Catan over Monopoly, and Phil Orbanes (author of The Game Makers: The Story of Parker Brothers), who believes that the lessons of Monopoly, namely direct competition and player elimination, are good ones. (source)
Mental Floss notes a board game invented by Mark Twain. (source)
The Oregon Outlook promotes the store Off the Charts Games in Gresham as it moves into Eurogame sales. (source)
Ecopreneurist promotes the KS project Green Economy Board Game. (source)
Life Hacker promoted the The Boardgame Remix Kit. (source)
The Argus Leader promotes Dabble, Pop the Pig, Connect 4 Launchers, Angry Birds board game, and Pass The Popcorn. (source)
Foreign Policy gives a decent short history of war games. (source)
The Duluth News Tribune promotes Dragon Port Games and Comics. (source)
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