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05 May
Posted by Sam Mercer as Miniatures, Modern Board Games, War Games
With one week to go, Ogre Designer’s Edition has charged in the lead as the front runner for the prestigious award of the most successful boardgame kickstarter campaign ever. Currently sitting at $500,000 (to help our readers visualise this, 500k worth of 1 dollar bills would weigh just over half a ton) it shows no signs of stopping. To discuss the tremendous success of this classic game, Steve Jackson creator of Ogre, Car Wars and Munchkin has graciously taken a bit of time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions.
Currently almost $535K, but who’s counting? Oh, wait . . . a LOT of us are counting . . .
In a word, no. I knew we had strong support but I didn’t expect it to be so very deep. I would have been delighted to hit $200,000, which was why that was where we set the “two boards become four” stretch goal. When we blew past $400,000, I was just beyond bogglement.
Well, if I say so myself, it’s a good game. And its original release came during a period when a lot of people were just entering the hobby. They enjoyed it and played it over and over. And, from the mail I am getting, that’s why so many of them are ordering it now. It’s a good part of their memories from 20 or 30 years ago, and now they’d like to play it again, but with the type bigger so they can still read it . . .
We were going to do it anyway. We were going to print 3,000 copies, with a lot less stuff in the box, and we didn’t expect ever to do a supplement. Given the enthusiasm we are seeing, I expect we would have sold those 3,000 pretty quickly, been faced with requests to reprint, and not felt able to do it. So this is all around better.
We have already committed, based on hitting stretch goals, to a supplement, a number of extras, SOME kind of digital game, and a re-release of the miniatures. We all have to hang on and see what’s next.
I’d say to them “You’re wrong.” Maybe even “You’re very wrong!” There’s a very good article here: http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2012/05/01/kickstarter-2/ that talks about this point. It wouldn’t surprise me to see some of the world’s top entertainment talent using Kickstarter soon.
I should also point out: If Kickstarter were to become a protected garden limited to small projects and unknown talent, we’d instantly see the emergence of a “Big Kickstarter” to meet the needs of higher-profile creators . . . and that “Big Kickstarter” would soon get all the viewers, and the hopeful beginners would move to the place with the bigger audience, and the original Kickstarter would wither. As it is, though, Kickstarter is very democratic. Every project gets the same amount of space to fill with its appeal. Supporters read that appeal and judge for themselves.
Now you have seen the success of Ogre’s reappearance via Kickstarter, what would you say to your fans that are very keen for a similar rerun of your other classic games like Car Wars?
I don’t think they will be disappointed :)
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