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16 Aug
Posted by David Miller as Electronic Games, Miniatures, Modern Board Games, War Games
The following is a list of some special deals, giveaways, and contests at Gen Con. Please leave a comment to let everyone know of any others.
At Catalyst Game Labs’ booth (1703), play a demo of Leviathans and get a free Leviathans miniature. Play more demos to upgrade your miniature to a larger one.
Catalyst will also be giving out closed beta keys for the MechWarrior Tactics.
Mayfair Games is running a kind-of Twitter-based treasure hunt game. They’ll be tweeting clues to the locations of tokens. Bring the tokens to another tweeted location for swag.
Stratus Games is giving away $500 in cash! Check in with them at the Game Salute booth (1033) for the rules.
Wizards of the Coast is handing out drow-themed dice. To collect a complete set of polyhedrals, visit six of the company’s locations around the convention center.
At the Scallywags events (BGM1233432, BGM1238525, and maybe others), the game’s designer, Chevee Dodd, will be giving away copies of the game.
Tech Lab Games will be giving away some copies of ARC at the company’s booth (#1933).
Also, I have a couple of games to give away. Watch the Purple Pawn Twitter feed for details.
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