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Kingdom is a pretty sweet looking project I ran across today. It’s a 2 player card game that pits the Angels of Heaven against the Fallen of Hell. In play, one player takes the white deck representing the Archangel Gabriel and his troops while the other takes the black deck representing Beelzebub and his army.
You can snag the rules for play here [PDF] if you’d like to get a better feel for the game, or check out the great video below.
As of this post the game has raised $1,899 of its $27,000 goal with 44 days left to go.
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Rules link is dead.
Thanks! I’ve fixed the link.
Still dead in two different browsers.
OK, try that.
That worked.
For a PDF it’s remarkably hard to read, not helped by white lettering on black. There’s no overview, either, so the reader has to guess that it’s a two player game that might involve a lot of maneuver.