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Get free stuff at Free RPG Day this Saturday, June 21st.
DriveThruRPG’s 10th anniversary occasions a $10 bundle sale, representing discounts of 71-93%.
Fazoli’s is inviting people to play Bridge in its chain of Italian restaurants. And to sweeten the invitation, Fazoli’s will give a free lemon-ice drink to members of the American Contract Bridge League, who order an entree, Wednesdays, in June, between the hours of 2:00-5:00 PM.
Catan Boards is giving away three of it’s prototype products, including a carrying bag and tile holders for Settlers of Catan.
Game poetry might get you a copy of Star Realms, being given away by Kicktraq on Reddit.
Cleared by The Computer, the Bundle of Holding features Paranoia for as little as $10.
Koreaboardgames is running a game design contest with a top prize of $1,000 (all rights remain with the designers).
White Wolf’s World of Darkness Guide to the Technocracy and Guide to the Traditions are 50% off at DriveThruRPG.
Theme Park Mama will be giving one winner three games from Wonder Forge: Disney Frozen Matching Game, Marvel Matching Game, and Disney Planes Sky Race Action Game.
SoCal Coupon Mommy is doing a similar giveaway, except that one person will get the Marvel game and another will have to choose between the two Disney games.
ThinkFun’s Robot Turtles Adventure Bundle includes 10 expansion adventure quests.
For 10% off Precis Intermedia products, use coupon code “PU49UJZXFW“.
In honor of the World Cup, Pocket Football is 20% off with coupon code “WC2014“.
Residents of Australia, to win one of 15 Bop-It Beats from Hasbro, tell The Hot Hits “why you want to bop it like a DJ”.
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