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You knew it was coming, and it’s coming on September 30th. The D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual has everything a Dungeon Master needs to fill a good adventure with nasties. The book will have an MSRP of $49.95, and will have 320 pages fillled with all sorts of horrible things to entertain your players.
It’s still a bit strange to me that the 3 core books aren’t released at the same time, but you’re still buying ’em, so Wizards is doing something right.
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Its tradition at this point. The way they’ve always done it. Does build a certain amount of anticipation. I certainly remember waiting impatiently back in 2000 for the 3rd edition books.
I do not mind the books coming out one at a time. It is a bit easier to buy and give me time to absorb each book before the next one comes out.
The book is filled with all the artwork you expect with easy-to-read statblocks under descriptive text. The Rust monster, Bullette, and even the Modrons(!) are there, but no Catoblepas or Asmodeus. Maybe in MMII.