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18 Nov
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, Miniatures, Modern Board Games, RPGs, War Games
It’s Teach Your Kids to Game Week at DriveThruRPG and select family-friendly titles are 50% off.
Many board games are on-sale in Target stores for $2-5 off, including Moustache Smash from Spin Master and Robot Turtles from Think Fun.
Paizo’s PDF Love Sale includes 30% off 677 digital products.
Recovery Bookstore is giving away the Recovery Board Game. Not just one copy, all of them.
Blessed Elements is giving away Time in a Box from Fox Mind.
For 20% off premium color colored Game Trayz, use coupon code “PRE20”.
Place a deposit with Geek Chic by the end of the year and get a free gift, such as a dice tower or card carrier.
Get a free gift box with every order of $150 or more from Games Workshop.
Noble Knight Games is holding its Fall Sale, with most everything at least 10% off.
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