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JUNURI was a booth I almost missed while walking through the game isles at Toy Fair this year. It was Nuricube that caught my eye, and I’m glad it did. Brian and Sue are wonderful people, and you can tell they have a real passion for games! My pictures from the show came out pretty awful, so I’m just including the promotional images provided in the press kit.
Nuricube – Ages 6+
This is what attracted me to the JUNURI booth. A visually pleasing game where you’re trying to create the longest line of your color by rolling and placing cubes on the board. Simple, yet a lot of fun.
Nuricube The Little Shape Book – Ages 3+
This is a cute little set of solo puzzles for little ones using Nuricubes. There are cards with shapes to be made by using the cubes. Make the shape, then place the colorful overlay on top of the cubes when you’re done!
Spy Wars – Ages 6+
A cool little family game that uses strange Dice Sticks. The goal is to get all your spys back home. To do this you toss the Dice Sticks into the air to “roll” them. If they land on green spys, you can move. Red spys are bad guys, so provide no movement. It’s quirky, but I can see kids having a blast chucking the stick around.
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