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18 Mar
Posted by Rob Kalajian as RPGs
Wizards is kicking off the new season of D&D Encounters Elemental Evil, and with that comes a free Player’s Companion to be used with the Player’s Handbook. The Companion is full of new player options, new races, and spells for adventurers to get ready for the season. The book is 25 pages long, and is laid out as professionally as a paid book. I’ve had a chance to flip through it real quick, and there’s some exciting material in there.
The free Elemental Evil Player’s Companion can be downloaded at DungeonsanddDragons.com and DriveThruRPG.
“The Elemental Princes have sent visions of destruction to four prophets and it will be up to your party to uncover the insane plots behind the seemingly innocent cults.”
The new season of D&D Encounters takes place during a portion of the Princes of the Apocalypse adventure. Each Wednesday at Wizards Play Network locations around the country players can participate in what this season has to offer..
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