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24 Nov
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, CCGs, Miniatures, Modern Board Games, Other, RPGs, War Games
Fantasy Flight Games’ annual Holiday Sale includes among other things Merchant of Venus at 69% off, Nexus Ops at 66% off, Arkham Horror and Android novels at 75% off, and Warhammer: Invasion LCG products at 70-80% off.
TCGPlayer is giving away a sealed Yugi’s Legendary Decks, a limited edition Yu-Gi-Oh! deck for the game’s 15th anniversary.
Time to Play Magazine is giving away new stuff every day leading in to Cyber Monday.
Pinnacle Entertainment’s Black Friday Blowout sale launched today with 10-50% off many products. Orders over $50 even get a free set of Promo Adventure Deck Cards.
Spartan Games is launching its Black Friday deals early. For Halo Fleet Battles, a bundle of one each Fleet Box, Commander Box, Core Upgrade Box, Heavy Upgrade Box, and Dice Blister is £95 (38% off the recommended retail price) and also comes with a £10 voucher good toward the future purchase of a Carrier Box. Significant discounts are available as well for Dystopian Wars, Firestorm Armada, Firestorm Planetfall, and all two-player battle boxes.
Gypsy Knight Games’ Traveller ebooks are on-sale for 30% off.
Through the 30th, Columbia Games will ship The Last Spike free in the United States.
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