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05 Nov
Posted by Rob Kalajian as Electronic Games, Modern Board Games
This preview is a long time coming, mostly because the package containing the prototype die had gotten lost in the mail! I finally received the die, in perfect condition thankfully, thanks to some helpful contractors working at the house it was actually delivered to!
The die is really cool. It doesn’t just roll by itself. It lights up, and can be programmed for different games by using generated tones. The game that came with my die, Bots Battleground, uses the die in a pretty cool way. The die dictates how a round plays out by using color, and timing it’s own rolls. The game not only relies on how well you play your cards, but your careful monitoring of the die and your timing.
I have to admit that if this was just a self rolling die I wouldn’t be too impressed. The ability of the die to change color, and be programmable, put into the “very cool” category.
As of this post the Kickstarter project has 7 days to go, but it fully funded. Put in your pledge, and you’ll be guaranteed some dice depeding on your pledge level. $22 will make sure you get a die, charger, and all of the stretch goals.
I can’t wait to see the finished product, and what kind of games are made to take advantage of the dice.
A prototype Boogie Die, along with a copy of Battle Bots, were provided free for preview by Saar Shai.
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