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Back in October I posted about the Crabs Adjust Humidity: Omniclaw Edition, the collection of 5 volumes of the 3rd party Cards Against Humanity expansion. Vampire Squid Cards was kind enough to send me the boxed set and I had a chance to bring it to a holiday party and see how the cards stack up.
This boxed set makes a horribly-fun game just as horrible.
There’s some great cards in this set, and there were plenty of times were drinks were spilled, or spat out, while trying to read the cards people played. The Omniclaw Edition contains 560 cards, and no rules. It’s meant to supplement Cards Against Humanity, but this edition contains enough to play on it’s own. Keep in mind, there’s no blank cards in here.
It’s got a hefty price tag of $50, which is double what that CAH base set costs with only 10 cards less. Still, if you’re a fan of the game you owe it to yourself to grab these and expand upon all the horrible and offensive.
A copy of Crabs Adjust Humidity was provided free for review by Vampire Squid Cards.
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