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The first world champion for the latest incarnation of the DragonBall Z TCG is Timoth Batow of Florida. Mr. Batow first dreamed of the title 16 years ago but moved on to competitive Poker while the game was without a publisher 2006-2014.
Alexander Georgiev broke the world record for simultaneous games of Draughts. In Alemere, Netherlands he took on 45 opponents, winning 24 games, drawing 20, and losing just one over 4 hours, 35 minutes.
When World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen took part in a recent open tournament, the move was not only seen as unusual but also immediately questioned when he drew in the first round against a much lower ranked player. Further games, though, saw him back in good form and after besting Yu Yangyi of China 2-0 in the speed tie-break, Carlsen was able to claim first prize at the Qatar Open.
Marcel Peters’ 19 moves to solve a standard 3×3 Rubik’s Cube at Cubelonia 2016 in Cologne, Germany was a world record for fewest moves.
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