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13 Apr
Posted by Thomas Deeny as Classic Board Games, Modern Board Games, Other, RPGs
This morning, Stewart Wieck posted a short message on Twitter: “I’ve purchased West End Games.” The company is most well-known for the D6 System, the game system that ran the Ghostbusters and the Star Wars role-playing games. The sale of the company comes after nearly eight years after Purgatory Publishing’s Eric Gibson, the owner of West End Games since 2003, announced he was done with the company and would auction off WEG’s properties. Wieck writes “the majority of the iconic West End Games properties have already found other homes, WEG still owns the D6 System as well as a handful games, mainly hex-and-counter wargames.”
Wieck’s company, Nocturnal Media, will be releasing the core D6 System rulebooks (D6 Adventure, D6 Fantasy, and D6 Space) as print-on-demand books with a POD version of Septimus, Bill Coffin’s space opera setting. Wieck announced that Greg Costikyan’s three-player, three-dimensional wargame Web & Starship will be launched as a Kickstarter campaign.
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