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17 Aug
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, CCGs, Miniatures, Modern Board Games, RPGs, War Games
Inside specially marked boxes of the recently released Monopoly Ultimate Banking game is a Vault Giveaway Card, which could be worth up to $20,850. That’s the amount of play money in a standard Monopoly game. See, since the Ultimate Banking version of the game does away with the play bills, Mr. Monopoly has decided to give away all his cash—at least that’s the story being promoted by Hasbro. For real, though, take the card and tap it to the Ultimate Banking Unit for an indication of whether it’s a winner. But in any case, enter the number on the card at the Monopoly Vault website for more chances to win and to claim any prize. It’s also possible to enter without purchasing the game. That involves hand-writing your name and address on a card and mailing it to a certain address.
Package deals on-tap now at Bundle of Holding include Fat Dragon Terrain Sets and Osprey Wargames. Also two separate deals for Shadowrun 3rd Edition: an Essentials bundle with rule books and a Sprawl Guide bundle with setting supplements.
To celebrate 10 years of Hollow Earth Expedition, Exile Game Studio is offering a PDF of the rule book for free until about 3:00 PM ET tomorrow.
For Gun Metal Games’ 11th anniversary, the company is selling all of its products at DriveThruRPG for 40% off.
I found some Loopin’ Chewie games from Hasbro at a Tuesday Morning shop locally for $10.
At the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game World Championship this coming weekend in Orlando, auditions are taking place for two voice-over roles in the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions feature film.
Sign up to Matt Worden Games’ email list for a chance to win Days of Discover and either Jump Gate or Dicey Curves.
For 25% off card sleeves from Mayday Games, use coupon code “SUMMERSLEEVES”. They’re calling it a “flash sale”, so the offer expires soon.
Atlas Games is looking for game ideas that work with its Letter Head card decks. The company is going to give away the rules for free and give away product to those who submitted the rules they choose.
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