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To celebrate the release of its 100th product, Schwalb Entertainment has everything for Shadow of the Demon Lord 20% off at DriveThruRPG.
Also at DriveThruRPG, Apocalypse World and Dungeon World titles are 40% off through the end of the month.
Polygon’s “big board game giveaway” is for Portal and open-box copies of Ghostbusters, Star Wars Risk, and Catan.
Tell Passport Games what you wish for a superpower. The wish judged the best gets the person who submitted it a copy of the company’s new game, 3 Wishes.
Subscribe to Osprey Games’ newsletter for a chance to win Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space.
Osprey Publishing’s September sale is 25% off aviation series books.
Casual Game Insider is partnering with Tasty Minstrel Games to offer free 1-year digital subscriptions.
The Cardboard podcast is giving away Covert from Renegade Game Studios.
Unfiltered Gamer is giving away Wits & Wagers Family Edition from North Star Games.
Everything Board Games is giving away Dr. Eureka from Blue Orange Games and a package of Super Hack Override and Ice Cool.
Giveaways by Sahm Reviews:
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