Game Bandit - Scouring the net to find the cheapest discount boardgames and best free boardgame prizesSend White Wizard Games your recently banned Magic: The Gathering “Emrakul Promised End” or “Smuggler’s Copter” cards and the company will send you an Epic Card Game Starter.

Murder-mystery party games from Freeform Games populate the latest deal at Bundle of Holding, four each in the Smaller Groups and Bigger Groups collections. A previous Elven Papercraft deal for print-and-play terrain also remains available.

To celebrate the company’s 6th anniversary, Greater Than Games will be giving away prizes in a miniatures painting competition and at events in local game stores January 21-February 19.

The Giveaway Geek is giving away Emergence from The Emergence Team and Arkham Horror: The Card Game from Fantasy Flight Games.

At, get 15% off all Marvel-branded items with promo code “HERO17”. That includes Marvel Chess and Risk Captain America Civil War Edition, both already 50% off.

Decision Games is offering three games of the customer’s choosing for $99.

At Amazon, Pirate Den from Crash Games is 50% off and The Godfather: An Offer You Can’t Refuse from IDW Games is 56% off.

From True Dungeon, get a free 2017 Treasure Chip with every $250 token preorder, or six treasure chips for every $1,000 of preorders.

BoardGamePrices is giving away Scythe from Stonemaier Games.

Toys “R” Us has Magic: The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers for $15, which is something like 63% off its original price.

The Board Game Vault is giving away Pyramix from Gamewright.

CMON is giving away a prerelease copy of Kingz.

Drumond Park (UK) is giving away two games, Gross Magic and Articulate.

Life 96.5 of Sioux Falls is giving away a family game night package every day January 13-March 31.

To someone who complete’s its board game challenge challenge, Art of Boardgaming promises $50 of games or game.

ACD Distribution is giving away The Others.