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29 Oct
Posted by David Miller as Card Games, CCGs, Classic Board Games, Modern Board Games, RPGs, War Games
Fat Brain Toys is celebrating 15 years in business with a promo code for 15% off: “PT-3967”.
Twist Gaming is giving away Millennium Blades from Level 99 Games and accessories for Kingdom Death Monster.
Daddy Stinks is giving away (appropriately) Gassy Cow from Drumond Park (UK).
Through Monday, Victory in Europe is 30% off direct from Columbia Games.
ACD Distribution is giving away Expedition: The Roleplaying Card Game from Fabricate.
Miniature Market is giving away Mansions of Madness from Fantasy Flight Games but only members of the Board Game Revolution Facebook group are eligible to win.
Rock Manor Games is giving away Brass Empire and its expansion soon to launch on Kickstarter, New Canton.
Buy one, get one 40% off all Pokemon cards and construction sets from Toys “R” Us, in-store only.
The Game Doctors is giving away board game inserts and accessories.
Pinnacle Entertainment (Savage Worlds, Deadlands) is starting its Holiday Sale early.
Medieval gothic horror RPG, Shadows of Esteren reappears on Bundle of Holding with the original offer resurrected from 2016 and a new one, Esteren +2, with the latest supplements, soundtracks, and a recipe.
Unfiltered Gamer is giving away 7th Continent from Serious Poulp and Story Bowl from Entrance Labs.
BoardGame Stories is giving away Valley of the Alchemists from Creativemaker, Monster Lands from Second Gate, three copies of Too Many Bones: Undertow from Chip Theory Games, three copies of OKKO Chronicles from Red Joker, and Gloom of Kilforth from Tristan Hall. All these are actually project currently up on Kickstarter, so to win the prize, the project must fund and deliver.
The Soup Dragon is giving away Mysterium from Esdevium (UK).
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