Steamforged Games is releasing a boardgame based on the incredibly difficult computer game Dark Souls franchise. The boardgame (late April, $120) plays 1-4 heroes versus the game. If one hero dies during the battles, the entire scene resets, forcing the players to learn the strategy behind the boss attacks and work together to win. Taking elements from all three computer games, Dark Souls comes with 27 miniatures, nine double-sided play area tiles, and four hero character boards.

Expansions for Dark Souls are planned that will incorporate different elements. Some will add new heroes and antagonists, some may have a large collection of bosses and minions, while others may simply have an expansion with only one or two additions to the game. Pricing and availability (and details as to what’s in them) are sketchy at this point, but the people I spoke with are looking at 12-18 months from now at price points anywhere from $35 to $80, depending on the amount of content.

Also new from Steamforged is a realignment of their Guild Ball property. The 2-player Kick Off! Starter Set just came back into print ($70). Kick Off! comes with 12 colored one-piece miniatures ready for painting, a fantastically large board, and tons of bits, measuring tools, and dice. The wall of blister packs are still going to be offered, but Steamforged is going to start releasing larger collection packs of plastic miniatures for additional guilds (teams) in the game world at a price point to be determined.

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I know we usually do nice Crowdfunding Highlights, but this is a project that I’m overly excited about. I’m sure many Souls fans out there are too, seeing as the game is already a good amount past its funding goal.

Finally we have some details about the game, and I’m really digging the “fast setup, long reveal” that adds a level of exploration and tension to the game. Everything is looking really great, and I’m really looking forward to how much of the extras are unlocked. I’m hoping most, and it’s looking like that may be the case.

There’s only two pledge levels for the campaign: one for consumers, and one for retailers. They’re currently priced at around $113 and $283 respectively. With the game being funded already, you’re guaranteeing yourself a copy of the game. Also, you’ll get every last goodie that’s unlocked with either level, so the more the game makes the more you’re going to get.

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12592633_1065747516797876_4720402130943247550_nSteamforged Games has just posted this announcement on their Facebook page.

Steamforged Games is proud to announce we will be working with Bandai Namco Entertainment, developing an exciting board game for the Dark Souls universe.

As Dark Souls fans, we could not be more excited to be given the honour of developing a board game that embraces everything that makes Dark Souls the deep, compelling game experience that it is.

The Dark Souls board game will be launched on Kickstarter during April 2016.

This is huge news for fans of the Dark Souls series. Here’s to hoping the board game will be as hard and soul crushing as its video game brethren.

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