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Inspired by the popularity of her blog articles on how to approach Gen Con as a business opportunity, author and game designer Jess Hartley is offering an expanded treatment of the subject in ebook form. Conventions for the Aspiring Game Professional is 34 pages of dos and don’ts, advice for navigating the transition from hobbyist to professional, and appendixes of checklists and resources. And at only $1.99, a worthwhile investment.
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Who is Jess Hartley? Not exactly a household name in RPG circles . . .
Jess has worked on a number of World of Darkness and Scion projects for White Wolf, and was a major contributor to the recently released Geist.
David, thanks for talking about “Cons for Pros”! I really appreciate you spreading the word.
For those who are interested in my experience, my website lists all my gaming (http://tinyurl.com/m85rba), non-fiction (http://tinyurl.com/yd4qxz2) and fiction (http://tinyurl.com/p3kuyx) credits, as well as some of the sites and shows I’ve been interviewed or appeared on (http://tinyurl.com/mlbuu9).
Who I am is a very fair question, because taking advice from those without sufficient knowledge or expertise in a given field can lead you into disaster.
Let me know if you have any other questions, Dennis! (jess@jesshartley.com will get to me directly.)