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Selected by an international committee of hobby game luminaries, the winners of the 2010 International Gamers Awards are Age of Industry (multiplayer) and Campaign Manager 2008 (two-player). Age of Industry is the streamlined version of Martin Wallace’s Brass—a game that for my preferences needed a lot of streamlining. Campaign Manager 2008 is published by Z-Man Games, which won the same award in 2008 for a game by the same designers about another election, 1960: The Making of the President, which itself was a reapplication of the same mechanics from the 2006 winner, Twilight Struggle.
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Gary Ray, Chris Brett, Debbie O., Purple Pawn, Chad Ischo and others. Chad Ischo said: 2010 International Gamers Awards | Purple Pawn: Selected by an international committee of hobby game luminaries, t… http://bit.ly/ay0niA […]