St Catherine, Jamaica: 5 men shot to death while playing guess what. (source)

Royal Oak, MI: The owner of Michigan Toy Soldier has pleaded guilty to fraudulently charging over $189,000 worth of credit card charges to director Peter Jackson. His excuse: business was bad in 2009. (source) Apparently, Jackson is a mini collector.

A recent Fox News article would like you to know the following:

A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit weighed in Wednesday on a matter of grievous import to the nation’s prisons: Dungeons & Dragons. And the Court’s ruling was bad news for naughty nerds nationwide, concluding that the innocent-seeming board game was inviting trouble. (source)

Unfortunately for Fox News, we already covered this story when it actually happened, which was a year ago Jan, 2010, NOT Jan, 2011.

Huntsville, AL: One man shot three times in the stomach at a card game. (source)